Mixta commercials: I'm not really sure what these ads are for- I think it's beer?- but they make me laugh. Here are a couple of links to them on YouTube.
Seriously, when is a flying, beat-boxing pig in sunglasses not funny?
Giant Burger King billboards: This massive billboard is right next to the Moncloa subway station, across the street from the entrance to the park that we have to walk through to get to the IES center. I believe it translates literally as 'Open your heart to the long chicken.'

The Metro: See lower left picture. Actually, see all of them. The top right one is nice; it seems to discourage the thumbs up, but the lower left is my favorite. Is that little guy falling out of the subway or what's the dealio? It's a little vague. But great.
I'm sure there will be more.
>> Is that little guy falling out of the subway or what's the dealio? <<
"Don't put your legs between the train and the walkway."
Or it could mean don't let your rear get caught in the door!
It's the equivalent of the London Underground's "Mind the Gap' slogan which, for some reason, is one of my favorite phrases.
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