25 September 2008

Mailing Address

First of all, I want to direct your attention to post below this one if you haven't seen it already- this is my second post today. I remembered that a lot of you have asked for my mailing address, so here it is (it's a little different from the one I was originally told to use, but it's simpler now):

IES Madrid
[My full first and last name]
Avda. Séneca, 7
28040 Madrid

Another question I am frequently asked is when I expect to be home. Right now the likely date is Sunday, the 21st of December. It depends on what my mom and I want to see in Europe, though. . . but I think we should be able to get everything done in 8 days.

I'm also thinking about doing some travelling on the weekends, since my last class of the week ends mid-afternoon Thursday and then I'm free til Monday morning. Some places I was thinking about going were Tallinn, Estonia, Stockholm, Morocco, and then I've also been told to see Greece, and I've heard that Prague is really cheap. And of course I'd like to return to London, or see Dublin for real (instead of just the inside of an airport), and anywhere in France would be amazing. Does anyone have any suggestions? Dave and Family, I know you are all world travellers; your thoughts, please?


Anonymous said...

Definitely Estonia!!

Anonymous said...

I thought they would have said Stockholm, and go meet some (distant)cousins!

Anonymous said...

I've got two more suggestions for trips:

1) Mallorca. I've got a number of friends at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, including a grad student who spent last semester working with me. She just presented her work from that at a conference last week.

2) Venice. It's touristy and expensive, but it really is amazing. I've been 3 times now and there's no place like it. I'm told by someone who ended up having to go there for work-related meetings that November is a great time to visit. The tourist population is way down and there's frequently morning fog that adds to the ambience. Get a good walking map. It's incredibly easy to get lost.